Friday, July 20, 2007

Setting the Pace

Dear readers, contributors, critics, and general enthusiasts: There are more Blogs on current affairs, including politics, human rights, caretaker government, army, and the future of Bangladesh than I can count. Therefore, this is not going to be yet another one of the same. Instead, the idea here will be to look within each one of us, judge for what we stand for and why, and how we would like ourselves to be in the near future. This is not necessarily apolitical. I can talk about my own self and put it under the microscope, but I can do the same with the beliefs that I have and also with the nation as a whole. Plato wrote, “A state is an individual writ large.” Modern feminists cry out in a similar vein when they say, “Personal is political.” And Plato’s master Socrates declared, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” This blog will hopefully keep these dictums as its guide as it traverses along the road to awareness. Now, why do I find this to be an important aspect? Well, I always believed, actions should be preceded by probes and diligent self-evaluation – we need this done on both individual and social levels. The activism that awakes us, the individuals, should also help us (at least me) in awakening the social consciousness. I am inviting you all - clandestine readers, active contributors, fiesty critics, and general enthusiasts to join me in this journey right accross the sex/gender, religion, class, nationality, political affiliation, sexual orientation, philosophical ideology, and whatever else lines there could be. Let us all join and raise a little noise. ICONUS CLUSTUS DHAKA, BANGLADESH